Sunday, 19 March 2017


There are so many things to be grateful for…. NICE SMOOTH ROADS HOME… are just one of them… but the stops between are also fabulous … I last blogged from Tamworth NSW and the next day we took a detour to Nundle… and I must say, the bumpy roads are so worth it…and I got my hands on a bundle of Moda Chocolate by 3 sisters… thank you Kerry Swain from Cottage on the Hill … you have made someone very happy…


Then it was followed by a pit stop, you all will love…. The Home Patch…I think I just drooled… but only a little bit…I did get another new project…. Of cause….

We arrived home on the Wednesday afternoon safely and just in time for me to leave for a retreat starting Friday morning… phew… And from my first Blog I worked on this little beauty… Twelve days of Christmas range of fabric...

and can now boast that I have two students… the fun Sarah and funny Sherrie … we have also renamed my “Christmas with Anni” to “Christmas with Robyn” and I’d also like to say that I can do this teaching thing… lol... this is Sarah’s, as you can see she has got a quite bit done…. Sherri will work on hers at home… told you she was funny… lol

There was about 14 of us on retreat and we all had a great time eating, sewing and chatting… then they surprised me with this beautiful quilt for my up and coming 50th… how lucky am I and I will treasure it everyday… Thank you everyone for a great weekend…

Till next time … thank you for stopping by…and all smiles Robyn…


  1. Hi Robyn,isnt Nundle a beautiful place and kerry is gorgeous,havent been to the home patch yet,its on my bucket list.
    Wow your quilt is amazing,love it,what a beautiful surprise for you.
    Not long to go till your birthday now,i wonder what other surprises will pop up.

  2. How nice to drive down to the bumpy road to Nundle. One day I hope to go but I have been to Home Patch. Just an amazing craft shop and I also left with new projects and fabrics.....

    The Christmas quilts all look great.
    What a wonderful surprise the gorgeous quilt is for your special BD.

  3. Happy 50th Birthday!!! Such a wonderful gift too - your blue and white quilt looks amazing. Which of your quilty friends organised this lovely gift for you? It must have taken quite some time to get it planned, and the blocks sewn together when they all came back.

  4. Wonderful purchases you made on your trip home Robyn, lovely retreat project too, your students are doing well!! Your birthday quilt is amazing, would be a grwat surprise.

  5. Lovely little detours there Robyn. Beautiful sewing too. Loved stitching my little block for you....secrets are so good! Lol!

  6. Happy 50th when it arrives Robyn. Your birthday quilt looks beautiful and it's in my favourite colour too.

  7. Wow such a lovely post Robyn with so much i candy. I'm glad that you got home in time for your retreat

  8. Love your blog name. Hopefully will visit often. 😁😁

  9. Love your first post. Happy 50th in advance, love your special quilt how lucky are you. The blocks are looking fantastic. The retreat sounded perfect full of fun and friendship. :)

  10. What??? you were in Nundle last weekend - and so were a few of us too . . . .

  11. What a gorgeous birthday quilt, such lovely thoughtful friends! It soulds like you've had a great time lately, with travels and retreats....lovely progress on your Christmas quilt.

  12. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!

