Sunday, 9 April 2017

Just breathing…

Things have been a little quite on the home front…. Although I was on grandma duties on Tuesday... we dragged out the Duplo and built the coolest train track... even the big kid played with the Duplo...

and afterwards we went to see Beauty and the Beast with mummy…  it was just beautiful and you all should go and see it if you get the chance…

On the sewing front it also has been a bit slow… although I did sit and sew the stitchery for this… and as the word says… I thought I would share this little bit of my beautiful spot in the world….
And as promised from last week I have started working with these…

it's for a friend… and it’s a gift... l do hope I have chosen her colours…  so far, I has worked on the centre… I am trying my hand at broderie perse… and for those that have no idea what I am talking about (as I had no idea) broderie perse is… French embroidery which uses printed elements to create a scene on the background fabric… I am only adding a few bits to lift the centre as the fabric is just beautiful, the way it is… Robbie's Quilt
I am now making 28 of the small stars above to form the 3rd border… it will sit beside the checked border…

The chicken in the above photo has remained nameless for many years and if you have any suggestions I would love to hear from you… but before you get a little excited with all those wonderful name suggestions I need two names and girl names as I have one of the below named… he is the baby boy in the centre and he is called Mater… the baby girls either side need names…

I do have 4 more of the but they are all named…. and I will post a photo of Sprocket, Mother cluck, the rooster called Cockburn and Wendy Bird… next week…
Till next time … thank you for stopping by…and all smiles Robyn…



  1. Your stitching looks great Robyn as does your broderie perse, the colours are lovely.

  2. Great to see the boys playing together...your broderie perse looks beautiful, lovely to see it coming together. Can't think of any intelligent chook names I am sorry.

  3. Grandma duties looked like fun. I love your new project, its beautiful. After chasing DD real escapee chooks for ages yesterday...I have nothing to offer lol!

  4. Hi Robyn,its always good fun to be on nana duties,oh my your work is beautiful ,lol funny chooks,look great in the garden.

  5. Lovely to be on Grandma duties :-) Your broderie perse is beautiful, you are right the background fabric is already very lovely. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt. You don''t want to come to me for Chicken names.... mine (real ones) have names like Henny Penny Jenny (etc) and The Pink Ladies (they have pink leg bands) and the Blue Belles (they have blue leg bands)!!!

  6. It looks lovely and peaceful out at your Mums. What a great effort by Jacob....well done! I love your Broderie Perse Robyn x

